Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021

Resolution No. GAN-234-2020 Page 2

uncertainty, they are the first on site to addrcss local urgencies whether it's an elderly that has slip offa porch, an unforeseen vehicle accident, a home that caught on fire unexpectantly; and 8. Ganado Chapter has witness the local small uuit ofFhe Fighters who were the first on site to combat the Wood Springs Fire, and continued to assist as deem necessary; and 9. Ultimately, Ganado Fire District personnel has been overwhelm while constantly helping those that have been exposed to this COVID-I9 pandemic virus, they put their own lives on the line while saving a life, without doubt Ganado Chapter hereby pleads with the 246 Navajo Nation Council to appropriate firnds so they can continue to serve our people. Ganado Chapter is hereby respectfully supporting the Ganado Fire District in requesting the 24s Navajo Nation Council to appropriate $3 million from the CARES Act Fund for First Responders Operations, Maintenance & Management during the COVID-I9 Times. CERTIFICATION I hereby certiff thal the foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Ganado Chapter at a duly called meeting at Ganado, Navajo Nation, Arizona, at which a quorum was present and that same passed by a vote of f t in favor, D opposed and I abstained on this 2" day of Julv , 2020. tt^)t 3^u MOTION by: SECOND by: ,1 J".,+1, NOW,THEREFORE BE ITRESOLYED THAT;

\ Marcarlo Roan}orse, Chapter GANADO CHAPTER



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