Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021


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Mo.c"rlo (oanhoe, Presilrrt Wolt' J"-', tltce.ereStmt R;ck" Nee 5",, Se*ewynreasrer Virc K. Jancs, Councii Deletate Di&rrcn S.;rh, cr.rhg Oftciar

,' '\ Wilic TE@9 Jr., clEpler Maqe.

CinJg L J.ncs, A&inhualiLe As5bla,t Lorg Tsoaic, Sup€rvied I op€lab. Ls.t ' Ki.l, ofice Asslit nt

I'ost Officc Box 188 Garado,lrizorr 86505 Tclcphouc: (928) 755-5920

Focsimilc: (928) 755-5927 Enrail: r.rnrrl,rr,r rrrr rio, Lrlgs- ,,r;

Resolution No. GAN-234-2020


Resnectfullv Sunoorting the Ganado Fire District in Requestins the 24tt Navaio Nation Council to Apuropriate $3 Million from the CARES Act Fund for First Resnonders 0oerations. Mai nce & Manasoment I)urins the COVID-l9 Times


3. Ganado Chapter pursuant to Navajo Nation central goveming policies and procedures, has direct responsibility aDd authority to promote, protect and preserve the interest and general welfarc of its community, memberships, programs and property; and 4. Ganado comrnunity is a secondary growth center comprising of t200 registered voters, 3600 community members, multiple employers, Hubbell's Trading Post is a global attraction for tourists, Ganado Lake serves as a recreational place, recently the Loka'niteel Shopping Center was built and Ganado High School Pavilion at times serves as large meeting event place to accommodate 6,000 people; and 5. Ganado Chapter is aware that the Navajo Nation Commission on Emergency Management with the concurrence of the Navajo Nation President declared a Public Health State of Emergency on March t l, 2020 (CEM-2G03-1 I attached); and 6. Ganado Chapter is aware that this COVID-l9 pandemic certainly has brought much concems with a heavy heart and mind amongst our commuuity membership unexpectantly, many ofour family members, relatives, and neighbors have parish which causes a financial burden; and 7. Ganado Chapter numerous times has observed sincere empathy and compassion by the Ganado Fire District personnel in always being first responders during emergency times of Navajo Nation Council through 11 N.N.C. $ l0(A), to advocate and ad&ess the needs and development of the local people to interact with other departuents ofthe Navajo Nation, federal and local agencies which serve and affect the Navajo Nation; and 2. The Ganado Chapter is a Govemance Certified Chapter ofthe Navajo Nation vested authority under 26 N.N.C. $ 101 et. seq; and l. The Ganado Chapter is a duly certified local governing entity recognized by the


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