Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021

co-53-21 apparatus and rescue/medical- transport units for District . Exhibit E.

fire Fire

of the Ganado

H Given the current drought situation on the Navajo Nation, the danger of wil-dfires is extremely high. This fegislation is offered as an emergency action, because it. meets the "fire protect.ion services" purpose in 2 N.N.C. S 164 (A) (16), and it afso addresses a "pressing public need" as listed in 2 N.N.C. s 154 (A) (15 ) . The Navajo Nation Council- finds that using the Sihasin Fund for the purchase of emergency vehicles, as seL forth on Page 3 of Exhibit A, is within the purposes of 12 N.N.C. S 2502(A) (1) and 2 N.N.C. S 164 (A) (16) , and is in the best int.erest.s of Navajo communities and tLre Navajo People. sEcTroN THREE. ALLOCATTON OF $2,644,380.00 TO THE DTVTSTON OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT AND APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE SfHASIN GANADO FIRE DISTRICT EMERGENCY VEHfCI,E EXPENDITI'RE PI,AN A The Navajo Nation Council hereby allocates $2,644,380.00 from the Sihasin Fund to t.he Division of Community Development to implement the Sihasin canado Fire District Emergency Vehicle Expenditure PLan as detailed in Exhibit A. The Sihasin F'unds all-ocated for Lhe Sihasin Ganado Fire Dist.rict. Emergency Vehicfe Expenditure Plan may be further leveraged by bond or l-oan financing pursuanL to the Navajo Nation Bond Financing Act, L2 N.N.C. S 1300 et seq., as amended, using Sihasin Fund earnings for repayment and financing costs, upon Ehe recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee and approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of aff members of the Navajo Nation Council. FOIIR. APPROVAL OF SiHASIN GAIiIADO FIRE DISTRICT EMERGENCY EXPENDITI'RE PLAN ADMINI STRATION The Navajo Nation Council hereby approves the administration of the Sihasin canado Fire Dist.rict Emergency Vehicl-e Expenditure Pfan as folfows: The Navajo Nation ConLroller shal-] determine whether the source of the i2,644,380 allocation from the Sihasin Fund wil-l be from Fund Principal or Fund rncome or a combination of both. A B. The Navajo Nation Council hereby approves and adopts the Sihasin canado Fire District Emergency Vehicle Expenditure Pfan as set forth in Exhibit A. C SECTION VEHICLE

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