Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021

DtTC -08-021-Fy20


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,Navaio Nation Counril. the Nataio

WHEREAS. I . The District l7 council chaptcrs' arc all duly cerrificd local governing cnritics recognizcd by thc Navajo Nation council rhrough I I N.N.c. g lo(A), ro advocatc and addrcss thc nccds and devclopmcnt of the local people to interact rvith othcrdcpartmcnts of rhc Navajo Nation. fcdcral and local agcncics which scrvc and affcct thc Navajo Nation; and 2. The District l7 Council Chapters' comprisc of a Govemance Ccrtified and Non- Governancc ccrtiticd chapters of thc Navujo Nation. cornfields chaprcr, canado chaprcr, Grcascwood springs chaptcr Kinlichcc chaptcr, Klagcroh chaptcr, Stcanrboat Chaptcr and Widc Ruins Chaptcr whom are all vcstcd authoriry under 26 N.N.C. s\ l0l er. scq: and l. fic f)istrict l7 Council Chaptcrs' arc all vcstcd with the authority to rcvicn,irll marrers affccting thc community whilc making appropriatc dclicatc dccisions as dccm ncccssary and lo make rccommendation tq the Navajo Nation and olher local agencics for appropriate actions; ond

4. Thc District l7 Council has becn appriscd thut Ganado Firc Disrrict (GFD) is sceking 53,004.980.00 from rhc CARE Acr Fun


5. The Disrrict l7 Council is awarc that GFD provi

6. Thc Districr l7 Council is awure GFD proviclcd emergcncy anrl csscntial rcsponsc to thc Navajo pcoplc. our customcrs and visiting gucst sincc 1982.


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