Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021
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Greasewood Springs Chaper Diwozhii Bii' To rloo' Bi?,laha'ta'
Cdvin F. Lee, President Emeqy Lester, Vice.President
Bill Spencer, Grazing Official Elmet P. Begay, Council Delegate
Omercita Begay, Secretary/frea6urer
Re 1l Suvoortin Ganndo F, ire Dislrict, Gnnado. Aizotn to seek $3,0M.980 .00 from the Naunio Nntiorr of the Soeaker tnd tlry Nrraaio Nntion Offi.ce of the President nnd Vice-President for the ouroose of combntins the Pandenric COV]D. 19 Cororuairus, 1. The Greasewood Springs Chapter exists as a local unit of government recognized as a political sub. division of the Navajo Nation, purzuant of the Navajo Nation Code No. 2d, section (a) and is authorized to review all matter effecting the community in order to add.ress the neerls of the local residerrts with the authority to act in the best interest of the general welfare of its community membership; and CARE Act Funds from the 24th Naoaio Nation Couttcil, thz Nooaio Nation WHEREAS: Pursuant to Resolution No. CAP-3&98, the Navajo Nation council approved the Historic l,ocal Govemance AcL which authorized the local Navaio Communities to plan develop and implement a restmcturing Process to imProve com.Etunity decision making allowing communities to excel and flourish enabling Navajo leaders to lead toward a prosperous future and improve the strength of the Navajo Nation Sovereignty; anri 2. 3 The Greasewood springs Chapter respecffully request to support the Ganado Fire District, Ganado, Arizona to seek $3,004,980.00 from the Navajo Nation cARE Act Funds from the 24m Navajo Nation Council, the Navaio Nation Office of the Spealer and the Navajo Nation Office of the president and Vice.Presidmt for the purpose of combating the pandemic COWD.19 Coronavirus. NOW THEREFORE TT BE RISOLVED THAT: The Greasewood SPrings Ctrapter hereby approves to support the Ganado Fire Distric! Ganado, Arizona to seek $3,004,980.00 from the Navajo Nation CARE Act Funds from the 24s Navajo Nation Council. the Navajo Nation Office of the Spealer and the Navajo Nation Office of the presidmt and Vice'President for the purpose of combating the pandemic covlD-19 Coronavirus. CERTMCATION Wq hereby certily that the foregoing was duly considered by the Greasewood Springs Chapter at a duly called regular chaPter meeting in Greasewood Springs (Navaio Nation), Arizona, at which a quorum of commurdtv membership was present and the same had passed with a vote of: o4 in favor, 0 in opposed and 0 in abstained on this 17tt' day of August, in the year 2020. Motioned By: Dereck Curley Seconded By: Bill Spencer
Calwin F. Lee,
Resolution GSC0&2G1014
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