Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021
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KLAGETOH CHAPTER Unit 42 HC 58 8ox 90, Ganado, Az 85505 PHoNE: (928) 552-270o FAX: (928) 6s2-2701
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THE KLAGETOH CHAPTER SUPPOBTS THE GANADO FIBE DISTBICT, GANADO, ARIZONATO SEEK $3,004,980.00 FROM THE NAVAJO NATION CABES ACT FUNDS FBOM THE 24TII NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL, THE NAVAJO NATION OFFICE OF SPEAKEB AND THE NAVAJO NATION OFFICE OF THE PBESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT FOB THE PUBPOSE OF COMBATING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS WHEREAS: 1 . Pursuant lo 26 N.N.C, Section 3 (A) lhe Klagetoh Chapter is duly recognized certified chapter of the Navajo Nation Government, as listed as'11 N.N.C., Part 1, Section 10, and 2. Pursuant to Title 26 N.N.C., Section 1 (B) the Klagetoh Chapter is vested with the authority to review ati matters alfecting the community and to make appropriate correction when necessary and make recommendation to the Navajo Nation and other local agencies for appropriate actions, and 3. GANADO FIHE DISTBICT is seeking $3,004,980.00 from the GARE Act Funds to assistance Navajo Nation combat COVID-'19 Coronavirus; 4. GANADO FIBE DISTRICT provided fire, rescue, medical, and emergency dispatching services to five chapters, which include Ganado, Steamboat, Klagetoh, Kinlichee, Corntields and the communities 01 Woodsprings, Cross Canyon, Bashbitoh, Wide Buins, Greasewood, Nazlini and Toyei; Uut not limiteO to the 1,000 square miles covered through lvlulual Aid agreements and ou'firm mission to achieve lile safety for all residence. 5. GANADO FIRE DISTRICT provided emergency and essentiai response to the Navajo people, our customers and visitlng guest since 1982. 6. GANADO FIBE DISTFICT is seeking assistance to provide hazard pay and purchasing six flre apparatus and four rescue/medical transport units (a.k.a. ambulance) to combat the Pandemic COVID-19 Coronavirus. 7. GANADO FIRE DISTHICT is seeking the resolution of support from the Klagetoh Chapter for the purpose of obtaining adequate and reliable apparatus, supporting Ganado Fke District essential emergency staff with hazard pay and continuing to provide emergency services to the Navajo Nation citizens. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1 . The Klagetoh Chapter supporting and recommending the approval of S3,004,980.00 from the Navaio Nation CARE Act from the 24th Navaio Nation Council, the Navaio Nation Otfice of the Speaker and Navaio Nation President and Vice President Office from to combat the Pandamic COVIO-19 Coronavirus. 2. The Klagetoh Chapter further request that that the 24th Navaio Nation Council, the Navaio Nation Office of the Speaker and the Navajo Nalion President and Vice President Office for the purpose of obtaining adequate and reliable apparatus tor the next twenty years, supporting Ganado Fire Dislrict essential statf with hazard pay, and continuing to provide adequate fire, rescue, medical, and emergency dispatching services to tive chapters, which Ganado, Steamboat, Klagetoh, Kinlichee, Cornrields and the communities o, Woodsprings, Cross Canyon, Bashbitoh, Wide Buins, Greasewood, Nazlini and Toyel; but not limited to the 1,OOO square miles covered through Mutual Aid agreements for Navaio Nation citizens.
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