Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021

Page 2 - KDLC 08-048-2020 August 10,2020

7. The Kindahlichii Chapter supports the Ganado Fire District to obtain adequate and reliable apparatus, and essential emergency staff with hazard pay and to continue to provide emergency services to the Navajo Nation.


'lhe Kindahlichii Chapter respectfully supports and recommends approval of 53,004,980.00 Iiom the Navajo Nation CARE Act lrom the 24rh Navajo Nation Council, the Navajo Nation Oftice ofthe Speaker and Navajo Narion President and Vice President Office to combat the Pandemis COVID-19 Coronavirus. 2. The Kindahlichii Chapter fi.rther requests the 24rh Navajo Nation Council, the Navajo Nation Office of the Speaker and the Navajo Nation President and Vice President Office to consider and approve the Ganado Fire District to obtain adeqr.rate and reliable apparatus for the next 20 years, supporting essential staff with hazard pay so the Ganado Fire District can to continue to provide adequate fire, rescue, medical and emergency dispatch services to 5 Chapters; Ganado, Steamboat, Klagetoh, Kindahlichii Comfields and the communities of Woodsprings, Cross Canyon, Beshbitoh, Wide Ruins, Greasewood, Nazlini and Toyei but not limited to the 1,000 square miles covered through Mutual Aid agreements for Navajo Nation. CERTIFICATION: We hereby certi! the foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Kildahtichii Chapter at a duly called Chapter Meeting at which a quorum was present and that same rvas approved by a vote of 2 in favor, -0- opposed, and I abstained on this lOth day of Ausust 2020.

lvlOTlON: Mike Tsosie

SECOND: Brunella Yazzie



B lla Yazzie.

Larry C , Pre



Terry Kelewood, Grazing Official

ike Tsosie, Secretary/Treaswer

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