Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 4, 2023
Expenditure Plan shall revert to the Sihasin Fund principal if not spent or encumbered by the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development by no later then March 31, 2024, unless recommended otherwise by the Navajo Nation Resources and Development Committee and approved by the Navajo Nation Naabik ’ iyati ’ Committee. 2. Ganado Fire District respectfully supports the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development ’ s request to the Navajo Nation Office of the Controller which will allow the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development to make the payment after the delivery of six (6) Fire Trucks and two (2) Ambulances. The expected delivery by the vendor is expected to happen before September 30, 2023. 3. Ganado Fire District respectfully supports the request from the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development for the extension to March 31, 2024. I hereby certify that foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Ganado Fire District Board of Directors at a duly called regular meeting at Ganado, Navajo Nation, Arizona at which a quorum was present and the same passed by _____ in favor, _____ opposing and _____ abstained on the 4 th Day of January, 2023.
MOTIONED BY: ___________________________
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