Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 27, 2021
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes August 2020
Ms. Laverne Joes motions to exit recess at 6:38 P.M. MST and was second by Mrs. Margaret Etcitty. Voice Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain.
A. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes on August 26, 2020. B. Approval of Monthly Financial and Budget Reports. i. Approval of Monthly August 2020 Financial and Budget Report Ms. Laverne Joe motioned to accept item A & item B.1(Regular Board Meeting Minutes on August 26, 2020 and August 2020 Financial and Budget Report) and second by Mrs. Margaret Etcitty. Voice Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain.
A. Fire Ch ief’s Report – Fire Chief Woodie
i. August 2020 Fire Chief Report/Updating Report. Ms. LaVerne Joe made a motion to receive a highlighted verbal report for August 2020 Fire Chief Report and was second by Mrs. Margaret Etcitty. A Highlighted Verbal report was given by Fire Chief Woodie. Motion to accept report by Ms. LaVerne Joe and was second by Mrs. Margret Etcitty. Voice Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 1 Abstain.
A. Review and discuss next Regular Board Meeting.
i. October 21, 2020 at Ganado Fire Station One at 6:00 PM MDT ii. Alternative Date: October 28, 2020 at Ganado Fire Station One at 6:00 PM MDT.
10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Fire Board Chairman Steven Kee recommended to leave it open for any of the board members to place an item on the agenda if they need to.
11. BENEDICTION BY INVITATION: Given by Mr. Steven Kee.
12. ADJOURNMENT: Ms. LaVerne Joe motioned for adjournment at 7:04 P.M. M.D.T and second by Mrs. Margaret Etcitty. Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. Regular Fire Board meeting is adjourned at 7:04 P.M. M.D.T by Fire Board Chair Steven Kee.
__________________________________ Mr. Steven Kee, Fire Board Chairman
Ms. Althea James, Fire Board Clerk
Page 2 of 3 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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