Regular Fire Board Meeting - September 4, 2024

5. The Fire Chief will have complete freedom to organize, re-organize and rearrange the staff and volunteers which in his judgment best serves the District ; that the responsibility for selection, placement and transfer of personnel shall be vested in the Fire Chief ; and that the Board individually and collectively, will refer promptly all criticisms, complaints and suggestions called to its attention to the Fire Chief for study and recommendations. Any complaint against the Fire Chief shall be heard by the Board . 6. The Fire Chief shall assist in the preparation of the annual budget; authorize the purchase of all equipment, supplies and services necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the facilities of the District ; provided however, that all purchase exceeding $10,000.00 mush be authorized by the Board . 7. Said Fire Chief shall pay $100.00 per month and no utility expense to reside on the property of Ganado Fire District in quarters assigned to him during the term of his employment under this contract. 8. The Board shall provide the Fire Chief with transportation and/or travel expenses required in the performance of his official duties during this employment under this contract. 9. The Board shall develop an evaluative instrument and procedure for evaluating the performance of the Fire Chief . This instrument will be used at least annually for a formal evaluation. The Board will provide the Fire Chief with at least three (3) additional opportunities to discuss Fire Chief - Board relationships and shall inform him of any inadequacies perceived by the Board . 10. The Board will develop appropriate goals and objectives which the Fire Chief shall implement and keep the Board informed as to their degree of attainment or why they cannot be implemented. 11. The Fire Chief shall attend appropriate professional meetings at the local, state and national level as approved by the Board , the expense of said attendance to be incurred by the District . 12. The Fire Chief shall receive thirty (30) days vacation annually exclusive of legal holidays, said leave to be approved in advance by the Board and shall be entitled to twelve (12) days sick leave annually. Vacation shall be taken within twelve (12) months of the year in which it is earned and shall not be cumulative. Earned sick leave shall be cumulative to a maximum of one hundred (100) days or as provided by Board policy. 13. Early Termination/Buyout: In the event the Fire Chief is terminated from his position for malfeasance as described above, or in the event the Fire Chief resigns or abandons his position, all further obligations of the District under this agreement shall terminate without further obligation of the District . In the event the Board desires to terminate the Fire Chief without cause and terminate its obligations under this agreement it may do so by buying out the remaining portion of amount due the Fire Chief under the terms of this contract in an amount not to exceed 50% of the amount remaining due and owing under this Contract. In addition, the parties to this contract acknowledge the provisions of A.R.S. Section 38-511 with regard to termination of this contract in the event of the discovery of any conflict of interest as defined by that statute, and the provisions thereof are incorporated herein by reference. Regardless of the method of termination of this Contract, the Fire Chief shall immediately surrender all District property on the effective date of his/her separation. Additionally, the Fire Chief shall move out of District owned housing no later than fifteen (15) days after the effective date of his separation. 14. Failure to notify the Fire Chief in writing 30 days prior to the termination of this contract of the Board’s intent not to renew the contract will automatically result in a six-month extension of the contract. 15. The Fire Chief shall fulfill all aspects of this contract, any exception thereto being by mutual consent of the Board and the Fire Chief . 16. Choice of Law/Dispute Resolution. This contract shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the State of Arizona and applicable federal law. In the event of litigation arising from this Agreement, the exclusive forum shall be the courts of Apache County, Arizona, or Federal District Court.


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