Regular Fire Board Meeting - September 25, 2019

GANADO FIRE DISTRICT _ P.O. BOX 718 GANADO, ARIZONA 86505 (928) 755-3424 FAX: (928) 755-6330



TO : GFD Governing Board Members FROM : Dewayne Woodie Fire Chief DATE : November 20, 2019 SUBJECT : Fire District Mobile Home Lots

At the request of the Ganado Fire Board this is the current standing for the Fire District lot space for mobile home for Ganado, Steamboat, and Klagetoh Stations: I. Ganado Fire Station has nine lot spaces: 1. Lot #1: Doublewide mobile home property of the Fire District. The mobile home will need renovation before it can be leased out. 2. Lot #2: Vacant with utility fixture 3. Lot #3: Vacant with utility fixture 4. Lot #4: Occupied with Singlewide mobile home property of the Fire District. The mobile home is being leased out by fire personnel. 5. Lot #5: Vacant with utility fixture 6. Lot #6: Vacant with utility fixture 7. Lot #7: Vacant with utility fixture 8. Lot #8: Occupied with a singlewide mobile home property of the Fire District. The mobile home is being leased out by fire personnel. 9. Lot #9: Occupied with a triple wide manufactory home property of the Fire District. The mobile home is being leased out by fire personnel. II. Steamboat Fire Station has two lot space: 1. Lot #1: Occupied with a doublewide mobile home property of the Fire District. The mobile home is being leased out by fire personnel. 2. Lot #2: Vacant with no utility fixture. III. Klagetoh Fire Station has four lot space: 1. Lot #1: Vacant with utility fixture. 2. Lot #2: Vacant with utility fixture. 3. Lot #3: Occupied with a singlewide mobile home property of the Fire District. The mobile home is being leased out by fire personnel. 4. Lot #4: Vacant with utility fixture. I will be glad to answer any questions regarding this memo at the next Governing Board Meeting .

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