Regular Fire Board Meeting - September 25, 2019
SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Registration/Continental Breakfast - Vendor Hall
Concurrent Sessions (Select One) 1. Roles and Responsibilities of Auditors, Management, Governance Jay Parke, CPA, Walker & Armstrong What do auditors REALLY do and why should you care?!? This session will provide an overview of the objectives and limitations of an audit and the roles and responsibilities of management and the board in financial reporting and fraud. 2. Fire District 101 Pat Moore, Fire Chief, Bullhead City Fire Department, Mary Dalton, Assistant Chief, Arizona Fire & Medical Authority, AFDA President This seminar provides the foundational information necessary to effectively govern, administer and operate a fire district. Focused on rural / small community-based fire districts, the information presented will provide elected officials, chief officers and administrative staff with strategies for leading and managing volunteer and combination fire districts within current statutory framework and operating standards. 3. Wildland Roundtable Dirch Foreman, Fire Chief, Highlands Fire District Open discussion regarding wildland issues. 4. Career Section Roundtable Scott Freitag, Fire Chief, Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority This will be a roundtable discussion of Career Fire Districts to determine goals and objectives of the Arizona Fire Districts Association Career Section, with a focus on future needs. The intent is to re-energize the Career Section as a group and to identify challenges and issues specific to the career fire districts to include developing an action plan to provide support to career fire districts. One of four training modules required of fire district elected officials and fire chiefs to meet the requirements of A.R.S. §48-803.H. This training module addresses the Fire Board’s role in human resource management, including the hiring and oversight of the Fire Chief, adopting sound HR policies, and being familiar with the HR responsibilities within the District. 2. How to Make it to Retirement--The Wellness Model Kepra Jack, COO, Co-founder, Owner , HeartFit For Duty, LLC How to recognize the health pitfalls that will change your retirement. Focusing on wellness-not illness and finding the Dr’s that can help make that happen. How do everyday food choices, sleep, hormones and hobbies play into health and how can we make it better. 3. Administrative Roundtable Susanne Dixson , Administrative Manager , Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority The goal of the Administrative Roundtable is to assist fire district administrative personnel by sharing information and networking. Through this information sharing we are able to communicate new information that will effect administration and assist members in preparing and planning for upcoming changes. 4. What First Responders Need to Know About HB2502 Sergeant Marc Therre & Detective Jonathon Appel - Peer Team Coordinator. Mesa Police Department House Bill 2502, also known as the Craig Tiger Act, was made law in August of 2018. Dramatic changes were made to the previous version of the bill which now provides first responders the right to additional care benefits defined by ARS §38-673. The Craig Tiger Act significantly affects first responders and the administrations that are responsible to assure that their employees have access to the care. This presentation will cover the law, methods to provide care and considerations while developing a program to care for your employees. Morning Break - Visit the exhibitors in the exhibit areas. Concurrent Sessions (Select One) 1. Statutory Training: Board’s Human Resource Responsibilities Brenda Tranchina, President, Human Resource Strategies
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Buffet Lunch - Conference Closing Remarks NOTE: Conference Badge or lunch ticket required.
1:00 p.m.
Conference Ends
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