Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 27, 2021

Marcarlo Roanhorse From:

Marcarlo Roanhorse


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 1:07 PM

Dewayne Woodie

To: Cc:

Jeremy Begay; Lennix Peshlakai; Chantel Cook; Shirlene Attson; Mimi Begay; Johnavan Wagoner; Latasha Lee; Harriet Begay; Dionna Lee;; Ganado Chapter; ''; ''; Wide Ruins Chapter; Klagetoh Chapter; ''; 'Greasewood Springs Chapter';; Vince R. James; Philandra M. Nelson; Ganado Chapter; Cornfields Chapter; Kinlichee Chapter; Klagetoh Chapter; Dilkon Chapter; Indian Wells Chapter; Jeddito Chapter; Teesto Chapter; White Cone Chapter; Coyote Canyon Chapter; Mexican Springs Chapter; Naschitti Chapter; Tohatchi Chapter; Twin Lakes Chapter; Rock Springs Chapter; Tsayatoh Chapter; Greasewood Springs Chapter; Steamboat Chapter; Wide Ruins Chapter; Crystal Chapter; Fort Defiance Arizona; Houck Chapter; Oak Springs Chapter; Lupton Chapter; Nahatadziil Chapter; Red Lake #18 Chapter; Sawmill Chapter; St. Michaels Chapter; Low Mountain Chapter; Eastern Navajo Agency Council FW: NNC Legislation 0125-21: Purchase of Fire Truck and Ambulances for the Ganado Fire District


Chief Woodie,

I’m forwarding this email to allow others to review the legislation and to have background information to provide supportive comments on CO ‐ 53 ‐ 21: An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Allocating $2,644,380.00 from the Sihasin Fund to the Division of Community Development for the Purchase of Fire Trucks and Ambulances for the Ganado Fire District; Adopting the Sihasin Ganado Fire District Emergency Vehicle Expenditure Plan Pursuant to 12 N.N.C. §§ 2501 ‐ 2508 . Members of the community and district staff can submit a supportive comment to Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez at jonathannez@navajo ‐ and Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer at myronlizer@navajo ‐ and/or call their office at (928) 871 ‐ 700 to support CO ‐ 53 ‐ 21. President Jonathan Nez has 10 days to sign the legislation into law, line item veto or veto CO ‐ 53 ‐ 21; due date 11/04/2021 at 5:00 PM. If anyone has any questions, they are welcome to contact me for additional information or needs assistance to send a comment. Ahe’hee to all for your endless support. Marcarlo Roanhorse , Administrative Assistant

Ganado Fire District Bus. Phone: (928) 755 ‐ 3424

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From: Marcarlo Roanhorse Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 8:40 AM To: Jonathan Nez Cc: Myron Lizer ; Dewayne Woodie ; Vince R. James ; Philandra M. Nelson ; Jeremy Begay


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