Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 25, 2023

Marcarlo Roanhorse From:

Michael Todd (TOL) Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:58 AM


Delilah Bill

To: Cc:

Marcarlo Roanhorse Payment received


I just wanted to let you both know that we did receive the payment this morning. Darryl from OOC called me as well. He said o Ō en Ɵ mes when they make a Friday payment it doesn’t get posted un Ɵ l Tuesday. That appears to be what happened. The good news is that we have the payment now.

I am ge ƫ ng a quote for the graphics and hope to have it by end of business today. I will forward as soon as I receive it.

Thank you for all of your help!



Michael Todd Fire Apparatus Sales (623) 239-2991 mobile 9899 W. Roosevelt St, Tolleson, AZ 85353


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