Regular Fire Board Meeting - November 22, 2022
Chief. Mr. Roanhorse expressed that a member of the board came into the district and gave verbal directives to a district staff member and displayed disrespect for the Fire Chief ’ s authority in front of several district staff. This type of behavior and conduct has caused the district staff to feel uneased when the board is among the staff and has lost trust for the board. Mr. Roanhorse will not stand for this type of behavior to come from a board member, from the board or from a district staff. Mr. Roanhorse highly recommends that the board to consider retaking all Statutory Board course through AFDA, but through a webinar and on their own time. No response was provided by the board. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Board Chairperson Steven Kee read the agenda into record. Board Member LaVerne Joe motion to approve the agenda, with the correction of the next board meeting date, and was seconded by Board Member Althea James. Voice Vote: 3-0-0. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve the Consent Agenda. (Documentation concerning the matters on the Consent Agenda may be reviewed at the District Office. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item, upon the request of any Board members.) Board Member LaVerne Joe motioned for a brief highlight and to approve the consent agenda items & was seconded by Board Member Althea James. Fire Chief Woodie gave a summarized Fire Chief ’ s report for June 2022, July 2022, and August 2022. Mr. Roanhorse gave a summarized financial and budget report for June 2022, July 2022, and August 2022. Steven Kee recommended to the fire chief to review any FEMA reimbursement for any COVID expense. Voice Vote: 3-0-0. a. Approval of Previous Regular & Special Board Meeting Minutes i. Regular Board Meeting minutes on June 15, 2022 b. Approval of Fire Chief Reports i. June 2022, July 2022, August 2022 Fire Chief Report – Fire Chief Woodie c. Approval of Monthly Financial and Budget Reports i. June 2022, July 2022, August 2022 Financial and Budget Report – Administrative Assistant Mr. Roanhorse 7. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING a. September 21 19, 2022, at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MDT (Subject to Change) b. Alternate Date: September 28, 2022, the week of November 16-23, 2022 (due to holidays) at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MDT (Subject to Change) 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This provides an opportunity for the Board to direct staff to include items on future agendas for further consideration and decision later date or to further study a matter. Board Chairperson Steven Kee requested that Navajo Nation Fire Lt. Todicheenie to participate in our board meeting. Fire Chief can arrange this invitation.
9. BENEDICTION BY INVITATION respectfully provided by Althea James.
10. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Althea James motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Board Member LaVerne Joe. Board Chairperson Steven Kee adjourns the Regular Fire Board Meeting at 7:00 PM. Voice Vote: 3-0-0.
DATED this _19 th _ day of ___September___, __2022__ NAME OF DISTRICT: __ Ganado Fire District __ BY: __ Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief __
Posted on this 19 th day of September 2022 at 4:30 P.M. MDT by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Admin. Assistant
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