Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 4, 2023

Fire Chief Monthly Report – November 2022

a. Ganado Fire District (GFD) Incidents 1. 87 for the month of November 2022 2. 1043 for the end of the Year 2022

b. Navajo Nation Law Enforcement (NNLE) Incidents 1. 24 Call Taking for the month of November 2022 2. 433 for the end of the Year 2022 c. Community Training 1. Monthly CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Community Training has been suspended regards to COVID-19 Pandemic Health Crisis. Currently CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training are only scheduled upon agencies request.

2. Monthly Fire Safety and Extinguishing Training has been suspended regards to the COVID-19 Pandemic Health Crisis. Currently all Fire Safety and Extinguishing Training are only scheduled upon agencies request. 2. Exhibit C shows the summary of the different types of Incidents for each month and end of the Year 2022. D. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. FIRE DISTRICT a. 11-22-2022: Regular Monthly Governing Board Meeting at Station One Training/Conference Room. Thanksgiving Dinner after the Board Meeting. b. 11-23-2022 at 2pm: Ganado Fire District Thanksgiving Dinner for the Fire Personnel at Station One Training Room. E. MAINTENANCE 1. Ganado Fire Station - Lt. Peshlakai is the custodian for Station 1 Building and Apparatus: a. Utility 10 was pulled out of service problems with the Automatic Transmission. b. Tanker 10 was pulled out of service for PTO (Power Take Off) gear issues not engaging. c. Rescue 11 was pulled out of services for hard start relating to the distributor system. d. Attack 10 - Out of service for poor engine performance and determine needs a new engine. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Begay is the custodian for Station 2 Building and Apparatus: a. Attack 20 is assigned to Steamboat Fire Station. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station – Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station 3 Building and Apparatus: a. Utility 20 with a portable slide-in suppression unit has been assigned to Klagetoh Fire Station.

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