Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 31, 2024

Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 31, 20241
1. Call Meeting to Order2
2. Roll Call3
3. Approval of Agenda4
Regular Board Meeting Agenda for January 31, 20245
4. Consent Agenda7
A. Previous Meeting Minutes8
Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes December 27, 20239
5. Reports and Corresponsence12
A. Fire Chief Report for December 202313
1. Fire Chief December 2023 Monthly Report14
Exhibit A for December 202317
Exhibit B for December 202318
Exhibit C for December 202319
6. Old Business20
A. Discussion and possible action re: Approval of monthly Financial Reports for November 202321
1. Nov. 2023 Profit & Loss22
2. Nov. 2023 Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual24
3. ACT Nov. 2023 Reconciliation Summary36
4. ACT Nov. 2023 Reconciliation Detail37
5. ACT Nov. 2023 Journal Activity41
6. Receipt 11-09-2023-cdavis-20218-P43
7. Receipt 10.11.2023 -16775.6844
8. Difference in GFD JA 10.31.2023 and 11.01.202349
9. Copy of Balance Inquiry~602 from ACT52
10. BofA Nov. 2023 Statement58
11. BofA Nov. 2023 Reconciliation Summary66
12. BofA Nov. 2023 Reconciliation Detail67
13. Nov. 2023 Forecast71
7. New Business75
7.A Discussion and possible action re: Approval of monthly Financial Report for December 202376
1. Dec. 2023 Profit & Loss77
2. Dec. 2023 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual79
3. FY to Date Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual91
4. ACT Dec. 2023 Reconciliation Summary103
5. ACT Dec. 2023 Reconciliation Detail104
6. ACT Dec. 2023 Journal Activity107
7. Receipt 12.014.203 EMI108
8. BofA Dec. 2023 Reconciliation Detail112
9. BofA Dec. 2023 Reconciliation Summary114
10. BofA Dec. 2023 Bank Statement115
11. Dec. 2023 Forecast121
7.B Discussion and possible re: Resolution No. GFD 2024-002126
8. Call to the Public129
9. Adjournment130

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