Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 27, 2021

Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 27, 20211
Public Notice for Regular Fire Board Meeting January 27, 20212
1. Call Meeting to Order3
2. Roll Call4
3. Governing Board Reorganization Action5
A. Review discuss and possible action to elect Fire Board Chairperson, effective January 25, 20216
B. Review discuss and possible action to elect Fire Board Clerk, effective January 25, 20217
C. Review discuss and possible action to establish date and time for all regular Fire Board Meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. local time (with subject to change).8
D. Review discuss and possiblle action tp approve revised GFD Organizational Chart9
4. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence10
5. Call to the Public11
6. Approval of Agenda12
Regular Board Meeting Agenda for January 27, 202113
7. Presentation (Information Only)15
A. Transwestern Pipeline Refund16
A.1. Transwestern Final Numbers 1.018
A.2. GFD Journal Activity July 2020 to December 202020
A.3. GFD Authorities Taxes Receivable26
A.4. Levy Options28
8. Consent Agenda29
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes30
A. Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes for September 23, 202031
B. Special Fire Board Meeting Minutes for December 10, 202034
C. District Financial and Budget Report36
C.1. Approval of September 2020 Financial and Budget Report37
1. Sept. 2020 Profit & Loss38
2. Sept. 2020 Profit & Loss BvsA40
3. ACT Sept 2020 Reconciliation Summary42
4. ACT Sept 2020 Reconciliation Detail43
5. ACT Sept 2020 Journal Activity45
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants from Sept 202046
7. ACT Receipt 09-01-2020-kjohnson-01000347
8. ACT Receipt 09-03-2020-kjohnson-01006048
9. ACT Receipt 09-15-2020-kjohnson-01028149
10. ACT Receipt 09-29-2020-kjohnson-50
11. BofA Sept 2020 Reconciliation Summary51
12. BofA Sept 2020 Reconciliation Detail52
13. BofA Sept 2020 Statement54
14. Sept 2020 Forcast62
C.2. Approval of October 2020 Financial and Budget Report72
1. Profit & Loss73
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual75
3. ACT Reconciliation Summary77
4. ACT Reconciliation Detail78
5. ACT Oct. 2020 Journal Activity82
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants Oct 202084
7. ACT Receipt 10-05-2020-eollerton-01089285
8. ACT Receipt 10-08-2020-eollerton-01133886
9. ACT Receipt 10-14-2020-eollerton-01211487
10. ACT Receipt 10-27-2020-eollerton-02335688
11. ACT Receipt 10-27-2020-eollerton-02335789
12. BofA Reconciliation Summary90
13. BofA Reconciliation Detail91
14. BofA October 2020 Bank Statement93
15. Forecast100
C.3. Approval of November 2020 Financial and Budget Report110
1. Profit & Loss111
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual114
3. ACT Reconciliation Summary116
4. ACT Reconciliation Detail117
5. ACT Nov 2020 Journal Activity120
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants Nov 2020121
7. ACT Receipt 11-03-2020-eollerton-026226122
8. ACT Receipt 11-03-2020-kjohnson-026312123
9. ACT Receipt 11-09-2020-eollerton-028079124
10. ACT Receipt 11-10-2020-eollerton-125
11. ACT Receipt 11-12-2020-eollerton-126
12. ACT Receipt 11-25-2020-kjohnson-032315127
13. BofA Reconciliation Summary128
14. BofA Reconciliation Detail129
15. BofA November 2020 Bank Statement131
16. Nov 2020 Forecast140
C.4. Approval of December 2020 Financial and Budget Report150
1. Profit & Loss151
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual153
3. FY Profit & Loss BudgetvsActual155
4. ACT Reconciliation Summary157
5. ACT Reconciliation Detail158
6. ACT Dec. 2020 Journal Activity161
7. ACT Redeemed Warrants Dec 2020162
8. ACT Receipt 12-03-2020-kjohnson-033396163
9. ACT Receipt 12-09-2020-kjohnson-034472164
10. ACT Receipt 12-14-2020-kjohnson-035024165
11. ACT Receipt 12-22-2020-eollerton-0363166
12. Receipt 12-14-2020-kjohnson-035108167
13. ACT FDAT 1st 2020 2021168
14. BofA Reconciliation Summary170
15. BofA Reconciliation Detail171
16. BofA December 2020 Bank Statement173
17. Dec 2020 Forecast180
9. Reports190
A. Fire Chief Report206
1. 2020-09 -- Fire Chief September 2020 Monthly Report191
2. 2020-10 -- Fire Chief October 2020 Monthly Report193
3. 2020-11 -- Fire Chief November 2020 Monthly Report195
4. 2020-12 -- Fire Chief December 2020 Monthly Report197
6. Exhibit A -- 2020 Yearly Status200
7. Exhibit B -- 2020 Yearly Status202
8. Exhibit C -- 2020 Yearly Status204
10. Date and Time of Next Meeting207
February 2021 Calendar208
March 2021 Calendar210
11. Future Agenda Items212
12. Benediction by Invitation213
13. Adjournment214

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