Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021
6. GANADO FIRE DISTRICT determines that it is in the best interest of the Fire District, the Navajo Nation, and the local community to support and encourage a request for refund to Arizona political subdivisions.
1. GANADO FIRE DISTRICT is hereby supporting the Arizona Legislature Senate Bill S.B. 1603 in its 2021 Regular Session that appropriates the sum of $16,100,000 from the state General fund (state GF) in FY 2022 to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) to disburse to political subdivisions that paid property tax refunds ordered in the Transwestern Pipeline Co. v. Arizona Department of Revenues (ADOR) litigation.
I hereby certify that foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Ganado Fire District Governing Board at a duly called regular board meeting at Ganado, Navajo Nation, Arizona at which a quorum was present and the same passed by _____ in favor, _____ opposing and _____ abstained on the 24 th Day of February 2021.
MOTIONED BY: ________________________
SECOND BY: ________________________
______________________________ Steven Kee, Board Chairperson GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
_____________________________ Margaret Etcitty, Board Member GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
______________________________ Althea James, Board Clerk GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
______________________________ LaVerne Joe, Board Member GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
______________________________ Larry Noble, Board Member GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
______________________________ Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief GANADO FIRE DISTRICT
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