Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes December 2020
i. Board Member Larry Noble motions to establish date and time for all regular Fire Board meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. local time (with subject to change) and was second by Board Clerk Althea James. Voice Vote carries in approval with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. D. Review discuss and possible action to designate the following location for posting of all meeting agendas: GFD Lobby, Ganado Post Office, Chapter Houses in GFD area, and GFD website. i. Board Member Larry Noble motions to designate the following location for posting of all meeting agendas: GFD Lobby, Ganado Post Office, Chapter Houses in GFD area, and GFD website and was second by Board Clerk Althea James. Voice Vote carries in approval with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain.
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE: Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Chief Woodie and a moment of silence for Lenora Zah Bahe, Carol Zillson & family.
6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Board Member LaVerne Joe motioned to approve the agenda, with corrections, and was second by Board Member Larry Noble. Voice Vote was carried for approval with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. 7. PRESENTATION (INFORMATION ONLY): A. Transwestern Pipeline Refund – Presented by Apache County Treasurer Marleita Begay & Apache County Treasurer Chief Deputy David Romero. i. Board Member LaVerne Joe motions to accept the Transwestern Pipeline Refund presentation and was second by Board Clerk Althea James. Voice Vote was carried to accept presentation with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. 8. CONSENT AGENDA A. Board Member LaVerne Joe motions to defer the consent agenda to the next regular Fire Board Meeting and was second by Board Clerk Althea James. Voice Vote was carried to defer consent agenda to the next regular Fire Board Meeting with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 1 Abstain. 9. REPORTS A. Board Member LaVerne Joe motions to defer Reports (items 9.A. and 9.B.) to the next regular Fire Board Meeting and was second by Board Member Margaret Etcitty. Voice Vote was carried to defer Reports to the next regular Fire Board Meeting with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain.
A. Review and discuss next Regular Board Meeting. i. February 17, 2021 at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MST. ii. Alternative Date: February 23, 2021 at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MST.
Page 2 of 3 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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