Regular Board Meeting - December 27, 2017

GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes October 2017

ii. Administrative Assistant Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse presented October 2017 District Budget report and gave a highlighted report on current standing on the district budget. 1. Mr. Apachee questioned what the differences were for the Operations Phones/Utility account and the Administration Phones account. Mr. Roanhorse explained that the Operations Phones/Utility account is for all the utilities ie: Propane, NTUA Electricity & Gas, the Business Lines, Dish Network payments, ect. The Administration Phone account is for the long distance lines with AT&T and Frontier, the district cell phones, and administrative phones. Mr. Apachee asked if it would be possible to raise the rent fee and where all the trailers went. Chief Woodie responded that all the trailers were owned by previous personnel and they moved their mobile homes. The mobile homes are incentives for the personnel and the rent was lower but was raised to $75.00 not long ago. The fee is low to improve response time. iii. Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to approve item 8.a. (October 2017 Fire Chief Report) and 8.b. (October 2017 District Budget Report) and was second by Ms. LaVerne Joe. Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – I; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Mr. Joey Apachee – I. Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Review, discuss, and possible action to approve attendees to the AFDA 2018 Winter Conference in Laughlin, NV (January 12 & 13, 2017). Jeremy Curtis motioned to review and discuss item 9.A (approve attendees to the AFDA 2018 Winter Conference in Laughlin, NV - January 12 & 13, 2017) and was second by LaVerne Joe. i. Mr. Roanhorse presented a cost break down expense cost to send four board members and potentially three administrative personnel. Ms. Lela Sangster is the only Board member who has a Statutory Training Certificate of Completion on file with the district. Ms. LaVerne Joe made a motion to approve all those interested in attending the AFDA 2018 Winter Conference in Laughlin, NV and was second by Mr. Jeremy Curtis. Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – I; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Mr. Joey Apachee – I. Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. 2. Review, discuss, and possible action to approve board resolution authorizing signers on all Ganado Fire District National Bank of Arizona Account(s). Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to review and discuss this item (approve board resolution authorizing signers on all Ganado Fire District National Bank of Arizona Account(s) and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee. i. Mr. Roanhorse presented the Board Resolution of Ganado Fire District Authorizing Signers of Ganado Fire District Band of America account. Ms. LaVerne Joe motioned to approve the Board Resolutions, as is, and no second motion was made. Motion dies for a lack of a second motion. Ms. LaVerne Joe motions to approve all the listed check signers on this Board Resolution and


was second by Mr. Jeremy Curtis. Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – Abstain; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – Abstain; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Mr. Joey Apachee – Abstain. Motion doesn’t carry for approval with 1 in favor 0 opposing and 3 Abstain.

Page 2 of 3 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.

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