Work Study Session and Regular Fire Board Meeting - April 26, 2023

I’m requesting that an update meeting be arranged this month so the Navajo Nation and Ganado Fire District can receive a status update on our apparatus and ambulance purchase. I want to ensure that we are all on the same page and the new Navajo Nation Division of Community Development Director Mr. Castillo is up to par with Ganado FD’s purchase. If you have any questions pertaining to this request, please feel free to contact me.

Marcarlo Roanhorse , Administrative Assistant

Ganado Fire District

Bus. Phone: (928) 755 ‐ 3424

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From: Michael Todd (TOL) Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 7:54 AM To: Marcarlo Roanhorse Cc: Dewayne Woodie ; Lennix Peshlakai ; Jeremy Begay ; vincejames@navajo ‐; Pearl Yellowman ; Lydell Davis ; Delilah Bill ; Philandra M. Nelson ; Elmer Johnson Subject: Re: Ganado FD Fire Apparatus & Ambulance Update

To all

In your spec you requested a Duo ‐ Safety ladder with spikes on the bottom. We attempted to order this from Duo ‐ Safety and they advised they discontinued making these ladders 10 ‐ 15 years ago and have now transitioned to Aluminum extruded parts on the bottom. There is no option for spikes any longer so we will need to transition to Duo ‐ Safety’s most recent design.

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