Work Study Session and Regular Fire Board Meeting - April 26, 2023

Marcarlo Roanhorse From:

Michael Todd (TOL) Monday, March 6, 2023 10:46 AM


Marcarlo Roanhorse

To: Cc:

Dewayne Woodie; Lennix Peshlakai; Jeremy Begay;; Delilah Bill; Philandra M. Nelson; Calvin Castillo; Lydell Davis; Evander Leonard; Johnavan Wagoner

Re: Ganado FD Fire Apparatus & Ambulance Update


Lets do 11am (Phoenix Time) tomorrow March 7 th . Please send me your agencies link for the call. I have another standing call at 10am (Phoenix Time) that happens every Tuesday.



‐‐ Michael Todd Fire Apparatus Sales Engineer Office: (623) 907-6624 Mobile: (623) 239-2991 Fax: (623) 907-6401 9899 W. Roosevelt St. Tolleson, AZ 85352

From: Marcarlo Roanhorse Date: Friday, March 3, 2023 at 4:47 PM To: Michael Todd (TOL) Cc: Dewayne Woodie , Lennix Peshlakai , Jeremy Begay , vincejames@navajo ‐ , Delilah Bill , Philandra M. Nelson , Calvin Castillo , Lydell Davis , Evander Leonard , Johnavan Wagoner Subject: RE: Ganado FD Fire Apparatus & Ambulance Update

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


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