Special Fire Board Meeting - August 1, 2020

Jeremy Begay

Neal Brooks, Fire Chief Retired

From: Sent:

Monday, June 22, 2020 4:08 PM

Jeremy Begay RE: Follow up



Hampton Twp PA 5.JPG; Hampton PA - Front Bumper.JPG; Johnson Siding.jpg; 3151 Back.JPG; DSCF7187.JPG; Job 3151 Limestone OK.JPG





I apologize for the delay but I wanted to double check all of my numbers and vendor discounts. I did add a front bumper discharge and hose tray for the MaxBuilt WASP (sample photo enclosed of something similar). Those units (with discounts applied) would come in at $340,000 each and are all 1901 Class A rated pumpers with CAFS!

I was able to wipe out the chassis increase on the tankers (chassis is nearly 125k) by applying vendor discounts there as well. The 4 Wheel Drive, 2000 gallon, single axle with flotation tires tankers are coming in at $320,000 each.

I must warn you that we have never formally discussed shelving and other issues such as additional scene lighting or equipment. That being said we are currently sitting at an estimated cost for 6 total apparatus (3 MaxBuilt WASP & 3 Tankers) of $1,980,000. / would budget at least $2,000,000 to address change orders or adding of equipment/shelving/lighting that may occur at order time. Prices are good for 60 days from the date of this email. (the other photos are of similar units to the MaxBuilt WASP and the tanker concept, just not 4WD on flotation tires as this is a totally new concept using a similar body as shown.)

In closing, please verify with council as to their tax exempt status as prices quoted do not include any state, federal or local taxes.

Weal E. l'ire Chief Retired National Sales Jlanager, _..qpparatns (Division TP). Oarita, cl.; Co. 815-237-2336 ,'Ilotne qffice 815-739-9822 Cell 800-323-0244 Lq. 413 Itasca O ffice

325 Spring Lake Dr. Itasca, IL 60143 Visit my website: www.cafsinfo.com

Check out our websites: www.darleydefense.com www.edarley.corn www.darley.com www.odinfoam.com www.polybilt.com www.ohlerpumps.com

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