Regular Fire Board Meeting - September 4, 2024
Fire Chief Monthly Report – July 2024
b. Apparatus that are out of service: 1. Utility 10: Problems with the Automatic Transmission. 2. Tanker 10: PTO (Power Take-Off) gear not engaging. 3. Rescue 11: Hard start relating to the distributor system. 4. Attack 10: Engine failure and needs a new engine. 5. Tanker 12: Transmission Failure. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Begay is the custodian for Station 2 Building and Apparatus: a. Attack 20 is assigned to Steamboat Fire Station. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station – Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station 3 Building and Apparatus: a. Utility 20 with a portable slide-in suppression unit has been assigned to Klagetoh Fire Station.
F. TRAINING for FIRE, EMS, and DISPATCH 1. In-house Fire/EMS Training:
a. June 2024 – Operational Personnel do weekly online training through Vector Solutions Software. G. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( Community Training/Presentation and Notification): 1. The next ASHI CPR and First Aid Training is scheduled for Monday, October 7, 2024, from 9am to 4pm (6 hours training). 2. The next Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training is scheduled for Monday, October 14, 2024, from 9am to 1pm (4 hours training).
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