Regular Fire Board Meeting - September 20, 2023

Agenda Item #5.D


Governing Board Members


Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant


Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief


Update on Purchase of Apparatuses


September 17, 2023

Administrative Assistant Marcarlo Roanhorse is assigned the task to follow-up and carryout the task of working with Navajo Nation Division of Community Development (DCD) and Velocity sales representative Micheal Todd. Currently, three water tenders have been delivered to Arizona and fire district personnel Jeremy Begay and Marcarlo Roanhorse have inspected the apparatuses to ensure they meet the safety specs. DCD has submitted invoice for full payment in the amount of $1,634,860.23 to meet the Navajo Nation FY 2023 close out date of September 19, 2023. DCD will be responsible for obtaining the MSOs, the titles of the apparatus, and insurance coverage before donating the items to Ganado Fire District. The water tenders (3) will be ready for pickup by the end of the month. The mini pumpers (3) will be delivered to Arizona by mid October. The ambulances (2) will be delivered to Arizona by December. The goal is to complete the full process and receive all apparatuses by January 2024. Administrative Assistant Marcarlo Roanhorse will provide a summarized update to the board members. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend the support of the board for any administrative tasks to ensure a smooth transaction of receiving these items. Receiving the donations will serve the role of allowing for a quicker response and having a reliable fleet for the next 10 to 15 years. Extend your expressed gratitude to the 24 th Navajo Nation Council, the 25 th Navajo Nation Council, Honorable Council Delegate Vince James, Honorable Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren, Honorable Former Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, the local chapters, DCD staff and district personnel.


FINANCIAL IMPACT: The purchase of eight emergency response apparatus will be at the expense of the Navajo Nation. DCD will insure the apparatus for a year. GFD will be required to purchase equipment to supply all eight apparatus.

SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to accept the purchase of apparatus update report.

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