Regular Fire Board Meeting - October 26, 2016
Fire Chief Monthly Report – October 2016
E. TRAINING for FIRE, EMS, and DISPATCH 1. September 13, 2016 [12pm-3pm]: Lt. Peshlakai and Lt. Begay participated in the Annual Paradigm Liaison Services regarding the Natural Gas Pipeline that run through the Fire District. The meeting was held in Holbrook, AZ. 2. September 15, 2016 [6:00pm-8:00pm]: In-House Training at Station One on hands-on simulation regarding a One Vehicle Rollover: Utilizing the Extrications Equipment, Rescue Airbags, and Stabilization Equipment. 3. September 28, 2016 [2:00pm-4:00pm]: In-House Training at Station One on upcoming events for the next two weeks and who will be participate in each events. F. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( Community Training/Presentation and Notification): 1.November 7, 2016 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. Any questions regarding the training call (928)755-3424. 2.November 14, 2016 [9am-1pm]: Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training at the Ganado Fire Station – Training Room. If any questions regarding the training call (928)755-3424. 3.November 15, 2016 [9am-1pm]: “ Annual Snow and Incident Meeting” is scheduled at the ADOT Ganado Maintenance Yard for all public services agencies. 4.November 15-16, 2016: FDC will be at Station One to do the annual services on all SCBA Packs and the SCBA Cascade Systems. 5.November 18, 2016 [1pm-5pm]: The Fire District will be hosting its Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Ganado Chapter House for all personnel and their family members. 6.December 17, 2016 [1pm-5pm]: The Fire District will be hosting its Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Ganado Chapter House for all personnel and their family members.
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