Regular Fire Board Meeting - November 29, 2023

Regular Meeting November 2023

iv. Accomplishments v. Maintenance vi. Training for Fire, EMS and Dispatch vii. Announcements (Community Training/Presentations and Notifications) b. Fire Apparatus Purchase Update i. Navajo Nation has transferred the MOS the three Water Tender Trucks MSOs to Ganado Fire District. All three Water Tender Truck have been registered under Ganado Fire District and titles have been mailed to the fire district. ii. Two Ambulances are in Tolleson, Arizona and currently getting graphics work done before they are picked up. iii. The mini pumpers received their chips from Ford but there is a malfunction in the chips Ford is currently working toward expediting new chips to South Dakota. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action re: Approval of monthly Financial Report for November 2023 7. CALL TO THE PUBLIC: Consideration and discussion of concerns and comments from the public. Those wishing to address the Ganado Fire District Board need not request permission in advance. The Fire District Board is not permitted to discuss or take action on any items raised in the call to the public. However, individual Board members my be permitted to respond to criticism directed to them. Otherwise, the Board may direct that staff review the matter or that the matter be placed on a future agenda item. The Fire District Board cannot discuss or take legal action on any issue raised during the call to the Public due to restriction of the Open Meeting Law.


Notice of Regular Meeting (Agenda) dated and posted December 26, 2023 , at 1:00 PM , local time. Approved By: Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief Posted By: Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant

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