Regular Fire Board Meeting - November 29, 2023

From: Marcarlo Roanhorse Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 5:33 PM To: Treasurers ; Candice Davis Cc: Dewayne Woodie Subject: Tax Deposits ACT,

When will Ganado FD be expec Ɵ ng to receive any tax distribu Ɵ ons? Ganado FD received a Journal Ac Ɵ vity on December 16, 2023, but it’s the October 2023 JA. I need November 2023 JA. Our 602100-100 account hasn’t received any large distribu Ɵ ons, we received a couple small amounts. Usually, we’re receive our tax distribu Ɵ on by late October or November. An update and current JA with monthly reports would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcarlo Roanhorse , Administra Ɵ ve Assistant To ensure compliance with the Open Mee Ɵ ng Law, recipients of this message should not forward it to other Members of the Board. Members of the Board may reply to this message, but they should not send a copy of their reply to other Members of the Board. Con fi den Ɵ ality No Ɵ ce: This email, including all a Ʃ achments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain con fi den Ɵ al and privileged informa Ɵ on. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribu Ɵ on is prohibited unless speci fi cally provided under the Arizona public records statutes. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of this message. Ganado Fire District Bus. Phone: (928) 755-3424


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