Regular Fire Board Meeting - November 29, 2023
Fire Chief Monthly Report – November 2023
4. Attack 10: Engine failure and needs a new engine. 5. Tanker 12: Transmission Failure. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Begay is the custodian for Station 2 Building and Apparatus: a. Attack 20 is assigned to Steamboat Fire Station. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station – Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station 3 Building and Apparatus: a. Utility 11 with a portable slide-in suppression unit has been assigned to Klagetoh Fire Station. F. TRAINING for FIRE, EMS, and DISPATCH 1. In-house Fire/EMS Training: a. November 2023 – Operational Personnel do weekly online training through Vector Solutions Software. G. ANNOUNCEMENTS ( Community Training/Presentation and Notification): 1. The next ASHI CPR and First Aid Training is scheduled for January 2 nd , 2024, from 9am to 4pm (6 hours training). 2. The next Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training is scheduled for January 8 th , 2023, from 9am to 1pm (4 hours training). 3. Arizona Fire District Association (AFDA) Winter Conference scheduled from January 11 th to 12 th , 2024 in Laughlin, Nevada.
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