Regular Fire Board Meeting - June 16, 2021

April 16, 2021

Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief Ganado Fire District P.O. Box 718 Ganado, Arizona 86505 (928)755-3424


Dear Chief Woodie,

This is to convey my resignation as Fire Lieutenant from the Ganado Fire District (GFD) effective April 23', 2021 at 17:00 hours. Per our discuss on April 10 th , 2021, I would like to take two weeks (eighty hours) vacation leave for the remainder of my employment starting April 12t h thru April 23r d , 2021. I service the GFD for approximately 19 years starting has an Explorer and worked by way through the rank as Fire Lieutenant. For personal reason, I have decided it would be best to resign and address by personal dilemma. I enjoy working with the Community, Fire District, and Staff.

I would like to thank you for the experience of having to worked for the Ganado Fire District and I offer my best wishes for your continued endeavors. Call me if you have any questions regarding this letter.


Evander R. Leonard P.O. Box 464, Ganado, AZ 86505 (928)255-7202

Cc: Personal File

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