Regular Fire Board Meeting - July 31, 2019
Fire Chief Monthly Report – May 2019
B. INCIDENTS (Non-Urgent and Urgent): 1. Exhibit B shows each month and End of the Year Statistics of Incidents for Ganado Fire, NN Law Enforcement, and Community Training: a.Ganado Fire District (GFD) Incidents 1. 127 for the month of May 2019 2. 683 for the Year of 2019 b.Navajo Nation Law Enforcement (NNLE) Incidents 1. 46 Call Taker for the month of May 2019 2. 248 for the Year of 2019 c. Community Training 1. 32 Community Member were certified for two (2) years in Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training 2. 27 Community Member were certified for two years in Fire Safety and Extinguishing Training 2. Exhibit C shows the breakdown of the different types of Incident for each month and End of the Year. C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. FIRE DISTRICT a.May 22, 2019 [6pm-8pm]: Regular Governing Board Meeting at Station One Training Room. Monthly reports given for March and April 2019. 2. COMMUNITY a.May 6, 2019 [9am-4pm]: American Health and Safety
Institution (ASHI) Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED and First Aid Training for the community was held at the Ganado Station – Station One Training Room. b.May 13, 2019 [9pm-1pm]: GFD monthly scheduled Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for the community was held at Station One – Ganado Fire Station Training Room.
1. Ganado Fire Station - Lt. Peshlakai is the custodian for Station 1 a.Utility 10 was pulled out of service relaying to Transmission problems. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Jeremy Begay is the custodian for Station 2 a.Attack 20 was pulled out of services regarding loss of power. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station - Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station 3 a.All apparatus are Operational. E. TRAINING for FIRE, EMS, and DISPATCH 1. In-house Fire/EMS Training: a.No In-House Training for the month of April 2019.
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