Regular Fire Board Meeting - July 10, 2024
The unrestricted net position of ($ 168,268) is not available to meet the District’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.
Governmental Activities
Most of the revenues for the District were derived from assessed property taxes and Fire District Assistance Tax from the County. Our approved budget for Property Taxes was $679,485 and we received $679,794.
Governmental Activities net position increased by $30,356. Key elements of this increase are reported below:
Statement of Activities
Governmental Activities 2019 2020
Public Safety: Personnel
395,511 318,918 91,407 51,004 856,840
440,645 259,421 101,293 48,376 849,735
Administration Depreciation
Total Expenditures
Program Revenue: Fees for Services
0 0
0 0
Total Program Revenues Net Program Expenditures
General Revenues: Property Taxes
586,443 125,513
679,737 135,897
Fire District Assistance Tax
Interest Earnings
47,479 763,090
64,332 880,091
Total General Revenues
Increase (Decrease) in Net Position
Net position, Beginning of the Year
466,272 372,522
372,522 402,878
Net position, End of the Year
General Fund Budgetary Highlights
Ganado Fire District (The District) over-spent two line items. These items were Operations in the amount of $ 93,421 and Administration in the amount of $74,938. This is due in large part to District costs being more than revenues generated by the property tax levy. This overage is the result of the District still recovering monetarily due to the court ruling between “Centrally Assessed Utilities” and Arizona Counties discussed in Note 20 regarding monies which the District had to give back to Apache County in order to resolve their part of the lawsuit. This has severely impacted their revenues for the past 5 years.
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