Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 30, 2019
Fire Chief Monthly Report – December 2017
B. INCIDENTS (Non-Urgent and Urgent): 1. Exhibit B shows each month and End of the Year Statistics of Incidents for Ganado Fire, NN Law Enforcement, and Community Training: a.Ganado Fire District (GFD) Incidents 1. 153 for December 2. 1,510 for the End of the Year b.Navajo Nation Law Enforcement (NNLE) Incidents 1. 32 Call Taken for December 2. 623 for the End of the Year c. Community Training 1. 26 Community Member Certified in CPR and First Aid for 2 years 2. 12 Community Member Certified in Fire Safety and Extinguishment for 2 years 2. Exhibit C shows the breakdown of the different types of Incident for each month and End of the Year. C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. FIRE DISTRICT a.December 19, 2018 [6pm-8pm]: The Ganado Fire Board had it Regular Governing Board Meeting at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. b.December 4 – 6, 2018: Mr. Roanhorse attended a “24 hours Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)” Training in Mesa, AZ. 2. COMMUNITY
a.December 3, 2018 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. b.December 10, 2017 [9pm-1pm]: Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room.
1. Ganado Fire Station - Lt. Peshlakai is the custodian for Station a.Attack 10 out of services for approximately 10 days for Brake Service. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Jeremy Begay is the custodian for Station a.All apparatus are in-services. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station - Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station a.All apparatus are in-services. E. TRAINING for FIRE, EMS, and DISPATCH 1. In-house Fire/EMS Training: a.No In-House Training for the month of December.
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