Regular Fire Board Meeting - January 30, 2019
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes
P.O. Box 718
(928) 755-3424 FAX (928) 755-6330
1. CALL TO ORDER: Regular Board Meeting of Ganado Fire District was called to order at 18:14 P.M. M.S.T. by Fire Chief Dewayne Woodie.
2. ROLL CALL called by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Mr. Roanhorse affirmed a quorum was present.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Margaret Etcitty, Fire Board Member Ms. LaVerne Joe, Fire Board Member Ms. Althea James, Fire Board Member Mr. Steven Kee, Fire Board Member Mr. Larry Noble, Fire Board Member
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Given by Fire Chief Dewayne Woodie.
4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mr. Larry Noble motioned to approve the agenda and was second by Mr. Steven Kee. Voice Vote: Mrs. Margaret Etcitty – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Ms. Althea James –I; Mr. Steven Kee – I; and Mr. Larry Noble – I. Motion was carried for approval with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. Mr. Steven Kee motion to appoint Ms. LaVerne Joe to Chair the meeting until after item 5.A. (Review, Discuss, and possible action to elect Fire Board Chairperson.) and was second by Mr. Larry Noble. Mr. Kee stated that he felt that since Ms. Joe was previous board member it would be appropriate to appoint her. Voice Vote: Mrs. Margaret Etcitty – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Ms. Althea James –I; Mr. Steven Kee – I; and Mr. Larry Noble – I. Motion was carried for approval with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. Ms. Joe Chaired the meeting. A. Review, discuss and possible action to elect Fire Board Chairperson. i. Mr. Steven Kee made a motion to open up nomination for Fire Board Chairperson and was second by Ms. Laverne Joe. Ms. Althea James nominated Mr. Larry Noble and second by Mr. Steven Kee. Mr. Steven Kee motioned to close the nomination for Fire Board Chairperson and was second by Ms. LaVerne Joe. Voice Vote: Mrs. Margaret Etcitty – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – I; Ms. Althea James –I; Mr. Steven Kee – I; and Mr. Larry Noble – I. Motion was carried with 5 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. B. Review, discuss and possible action to elect Fire Board Chairperson. i. Mr. Steven Kee motioned to open the nominations for the Fire Board Clerk and was second by Ms. Althea James. Mrs. Margaret Etcitty nominated Ms. Althea James, Ms. Althea James denied nomination. Ms. LaVerne Joe 5. GOVERNING BOARD ORGANIZATION ACTION
Page 1 of 4 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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