Regular Fire Board Meeting - Febuary 28, 2024

Fire Chief Monthly Report – January 2024

b. Navajo Nation Law Enforcement (NNLE) Incidents 1. 21 Call taking for the month of January 2024 2. 21 for the end of the Year 2024 c. Community Training 1. January 2, 2024 (9am to 4pm): Monthly ASHI

CPR/AED and Adult First Aid Training at the Ganado Fire Station for the Community. Four students completed and passed the training. 2. Exhibit C shows the summary of the different types of Incidents for each month and end of the Year 2023. D. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. FIRE DISTRICT

a. January 11-12, 2024: AFDA Winter Conference in Laughlin, Nevada. Four (4) Fire Board Members and one (1) Ganado Fire Personnel attended the conference: 1. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant 2. Althea James, Fire Board Chairperson

3. Margaret Etcitty, Fire Board Clerk 4. LaVerne Joe, Fire Board Member 5. Esther Kirk, Fire Board Member

b. January 31, 2024, at 6pm: Monthly Regular Fire Board Meeting held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room.


1. Ganado Fire Station - Lt. Peshlakai is the custodian for Station 1 Building and Apparatus: a. Apparatus assigned to Station One:

1. Staff One (2000 2500 Suburban) 2. Utility 20 (2007 3500 Pickup Truck) 3. Brush 10 (1995 H1 Hummer) 4. Attack 10 (Type 6 Fire Truck) 5. Rescue 10 (2002 Ford Ambulance Unit) b. Apparatus that are out of service:

1. Utility 10: Problems with the Automatic Transmission. 2. Tanker 10: PTO (Power Take-Off) gear not engaging. 3. Rescue 11: Hard start relating to the distributor system. 4. Attack 10: Engine failure and needs a new engine. 5. Tanker 12: Transmission Failure.

2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Begay is the custodian for Station 2 Building and Apparatus: a. Attack 20 is assigned to Steamboat Fire Station. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station – Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station 3 Building and Apparatus: a. Utility 11 with a portable slide-in suppression unit has been assigned to Klagetoh Fire Station.

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