Regular Fire Board Meeting -February 28, 2023

Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item, upon the request of any Board members.) LaVerne Joe motion to approve with review and seconded by Althea James. 3-0-0. a. Approval of Previous Regular & Special Board Meeting Minutes i. Regular Board Meeting minutes on January 4, 2023 b. Approval of Fire Chief Reports i. December 2022 Fire Chief Report – Fire Chief Woodie c. Approval of Monthly Financial and Budget Reports i. December 2022 Financial and Budget Report – Administrative Assistant Mr. Roanhorse 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Discuss and possible action to approve process to advertise vacant fire board position and accept letter of interest from interested candidates of interim board member (2) position. Motion was made by LaVerne Joe to approve and seconded by Althea James. 3-0-0. 8. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING a. February 15, 2023, at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MST (Subject to Change) b. Alternate Date: February 22, 2023, at Ganado Fire Station One and/or ZOOM at 6:00 PM MST (Subject to Change)

9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This provides an opportunity for the Board to direct staff to include items on future agendas for further consideration and decision later date or to further study a matter.

10. BENEDICTION BY INVITATION respectfully provided by LaVerne Joe.

11. ADJOURNMENT LaVerne Joe motioned to adjourn and seconded by Althea James. 3-0-0. Margaret Etcitty adjourns Regular Fire Board meeting at 6:22 PM.

Minutes Respectfully submitted by Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.

DATED this _17 th _ day of ___January___, __2023__

NAME OF DISTRICT: __ Ganado Fire District __ BY: __ Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief __

Posted on this 24 th day of January 2023 at 12:00 P.M. MST by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Admin. Assistant

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