Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021


District Issues and Concerns

 The district has not received written response from Arizona Legislators and Apache County Manager for additional allocations.  Cost sharing and reimbursement is being requested from B&F committee members from the fire district, the State of Arizona and/or Apache County.  The District has reached out to Arizona Representatives and has yet to receive a response. The district has reached out to the County Manager and has yet to receive a response. From of contact is through emails.  The District works closely with Apache County Treasurer (ACT) and her team. ACT is supportive to with district financial plans and is willing to provide continued support.  Ganado Fire District is considered a “Special Subdivision District” and the law states we can not carry- over any unspent funds to the next fiscal year.  What does that mean for Ganado Fire District?  We can not carryover funds into the next fiscal year and save capital projects and outlay.  The district must spend 100% of its annual budget, within its fiscal year, or the “use it or lose it” method is implied.  The downfall of not using the full annual budget.  If a Special Subdivision District DO NOT utilize the full budget by the end of the fiscal year, the unspent amount will be reduced the next fiscal year.


Example of Unused Revenues

 FY 2020/2021:  July 1 st - GFD Received $800,000.00 in Property Tax.  July 1 st - GFD will Receive $200,000.00 from FDAT (20% of Property Tax)  GFD Budgets $550,000.00 for Personnel & Salary and spend 100% June 30 th .  GFD Budgets $300,000.00 for Operational Expenses and Spends $275,000.00, with an remaining amount of $25,000.00 June 30 th.  GFD Budgets $50,000 for Administrative Expense and spends 100% June 30th.  GFD Budgets $100,000.00 for Capital Projects and only spends $35,000 with a remaining amount of $65,000.00 June 30 th .  June 30 th – $90,000.00 Unspent revenues for FY 20/21.  FY 2021/2022:  July 1 st – GFD Received $710,000.00 in Property Tax.  The revenues will be reduced by $90,000.00 due to funding not being needed in the prior FY.  July 1 st – GFD will receive $142,000.00 from FDAT (20% of Property Tax)  The District’s Budget will be $852,000 for FY 21/22 Vs. $1,000,000.00 from FY 20/21. Reduction of ($148,000.00) in revenues.



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