Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021
Proposed Fire Apparatus and Rescue/Medical Transport Units
4x4 300-gals Mini Pumper Fire Trucks Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 TOTAL $1,050,600.00
4x4 2000-gals Tender Fire Truck Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 TOTAL $988,800.00
Braun Northwest, Inc. Type One Ambulance Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 TOTAL $604,980.00 EXHIBIT D
District Goals and Objectives
Goal & Object #1: Obtaining adequate and reliable fire apparatus and rescue/medical transport units. (IMMEDIATE: Present to Two Years) Allocation for Funds from Navajo Nation and/or possibly the State of Arizona. Assist Navajo Nation emergency response personnel with emergency and medical response. Continue combating the Pandemic COVID-19 Coronavirus . Goal and Objective #2: Building additional substation, increasing emergency response personnel and seeking additional living space for personnel. (SHORT TERM: One to Five Years) Securing land and funding to build a new substation. Seeking bonds and additional property tax revenues to building another substation. Goal and Objective #3: Expand the fire district to neighboring chapters that the district is rendering services to through MMAs. (LONG TERM: Three to Five Years) Seek additional outside funding through Transwestern Pipeline, grants and the state of Arizona. Provide quick response to the areas that are considered “grey areas”. Seek grants to provide funding for full-time & Part-time positions fringe benefits.
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