Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021


Proposed Fire Apparatus and Rescue/Medical Transport Units

4x4 300-gals Mini Pumper Fire Trucks Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 Mini Pumper Fire Truck Qty. 1 $350,200.00 TOTAL $1,050,600.00

4x4 2000-gals Tender Fire Truck Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 Tender Fire Truck Qty. 1 $329,600.00 TOTAL $988,800.00

Braun Northwest, Inc. Type One Ambulance Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 Type One Ambulance Qty. 1 $151,245.00 TOTAL $604,980.00 EXHIBIT D




District Goals and Objectives

 Goal & Object #1: Obtaining adequate and reliable fire apparatus and rescue/medical transport units. (IMMEDIATE: Present to Two Years)  Allocation for Funds from Navajo Nation and/or possibly the State of Arizona.  Assist Navajo Nation emergency response personnel with emergency and medical response.  Continue combating the Pandemic COVID-19 Coronavirus .  Goal and Objective #2: Building additional substation, increasing emergency response personnel and seeking additional living space for personnel. (SHORT TERM: One to Five Years)  Securing land and funding to build a new substation.  Seeking bonds and additional property tax revenues to building another substation.  Goal and Objective #3: Expand the fire district to neighboring chapters that the district is rendering services to through MMAs. (LONG TERM: Three to Five Years)  Seek additional outside funding through Transwestern Pipeline, grants and the state of Arizona.  Provide quick response to the areas that are considered “grey areas”.  Seek grants to provide funding for full-time & Part-time positions fringe benefits.



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