Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021

Regular Fire Board Meeting - March 24, 20211
Public Notice for Regular Fire Board Meeting March 24, 20212
1. Call Meeting to Order3
2. Roll Call4
3. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence5
4. Call to the Public6
5. Approval of Agenda7
Regular Board Meeting Agenda for March 20218
6. Consent Agenda10
A. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes11
1. Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes for February 24, 202112
B. Approval of Fire Chief Report14
1. 2021-3 -- Fire Chief March 2021 Monthly Report15
2. 2021 Personnel Run Tally18 - 19
3. Monthly Statisitcs GFD/NPD20 - 21
4. 2021 Monthly Run Tally22 - 23
5. Resignation Letter24
C. District Financial and Budget Report25
1. Feb. 2021 Profit & Loss26
2. Feb. 2021 Profit & Loss vs. actual28 - 29
3. Feb. 2021 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual36 - 37
4. FY 21' Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual44 - 45
5. ACT Feb. 2021 Reconciliation Summary50
6. ACT Feb. 2021 Reconciliation Detail51
7. ACT Feb. 2021 Journal Activity54
8. ACT Redeemed Warrants from Feb 202156
9. ACT Receipt 02-03-2021-kjohnson-00432457
10. ACT Receipt 02-03-2021-kjohnson-00432558
11. BofA Feb. 2021 Reconciliation Summary59
12. BofA Feb. 2021 Reconciliation Detail60
13. BofA Feb. 2021 Bank Statement62
14. Feb. 2021 Forecast70 - 71
7. Information Only80
A. Navajo Nation Council Legislation No. 0023-2181
Naabik'itati' Commitee of the 24th Navajo Nation Council - March 25, 2021165
Ganado Chapter Supporting Resolution167
Kin Dah Lichii' Chapter Supporting Resolution169
Ganado Fire District PowerPoint Presentation for 0023-21174
S.B. 1387 Courses: Newly Elected or Re-elected Board Members & Fire Chief Statutory Training186
8. Date and Time of Next Meeting189
April 2021 Calendar190 - 191
May 2021 Calendar192 - 193
9. Future Agenda Items194
10. Benediction by Invitation195
11. Adjournment196

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