Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 2021

Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 24, 20211
Public Notice for Regular Fire Board Meeting February 24, 20212
1. Call Meeting to Order3
2. Roll Call4
3. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence5
4. Call to the Public6
5. Approval of Agenda7
Regular Board Meeting Agenda for February 20218
6. Consent Agenda10
A. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes11
1. Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes for September 23, 202012
2. Special Fire Board Meeting Minutes for December 10, 202015
3. Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes for January 27, 202117
B. Approval of Fire Chief Report16
1. 2020-09 -- Fire Chief September 2020 Monthly Report21
2. 2020-10 -- Fire Chief October 2020 Monthly Report23
3. 2020-11 -- Fire Chief November 2020 Monthly Report25
4. 2020-12 -- Fire Chief December 2020 Monthly Report27
5. 2021-01 -- Fire Chief January 2021 Monthly Report29
6. 2021 Personnel Run Tally32 - 33
7. Monthly Statisitcs GFD/NPD34 - 35
8. 2021 Monthly Run Tally36 - 37
C. District Financial and Budget Report38
C.1. Approval of September 2020 Financial and Budget Report39
1. Sept. 2020 Profit & Loss40
2. Sept. 2020 Profit & Loss BvsA42
3. ACT Sept 2020 Reconciliation Summary44
4. ACT Sept 2020 Reconciliation Detail45
5. ACT Sept 2020 Journal Activity47
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants from Sept 202048
7. ACT Receipt 09-01-2020-kjohnson-01000349
8. ACT Receipt 09-03-2020-kjohnson-01006050
9. ACT Receipt 09-15-2020-kjohnson-01028151
10. ACT Receipt 09-29-2020-kjohnson-52
11. BofA Sept 2020 Reconciliation Summary53
12. BofA Sept 2020 Reconciliation Detail54
13. BofA Sept 2020 Statement56
14. Sept 2020 Forcast64 - 65
C.2. Approval of October 2020 Financial and Budget Report74
1. Profit & Loss75
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual77
3. ACT Reconciliation Summary79
4. ACT Reconciliation Detail80
5. ACT Oct. 2020 Journal Activity84
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants Oct 202086
7. ACT Receipt 10-05-2020-eollerton-01089287
8. ACT Receipt 10-08-2020-eollerton-01133888
9. ACT Receipt 10-14-2020-eollerton-01211489
10. ACT Receipt 10-27-2020-eollerton-02335690
11. ACT Receipt 10-27-2020-eollerton-02335791
12. BofA Reconciliation Summary92
13. BofA Reconciliation Detail93
14. BofA October 2020 Bank Statement95
15. Forecast102 - 103
C.3. Approval of November 2020 Financial and Budget Report112
1. Profit & Loss113
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual116
3. ACT Reconciliation Summary118
4. ACT Reconciliation Detail119
5. ACT Nov 2020 Journal Activity122
6. ACT Redeemed Warrants Nov 2020123
7. ACT Receipt 11-03-2020-eollerton-026226124
8. ACT Receipt 11-03-2020-kjohnson-026312125
9. ACT Receipt 11-09-2020-eollerton-028079126
10. ACT Receipt 11-10-2020-eollerton-127
11. ACT Receipt 11-12-2020-eollerton-128
12. ACT Receipt 11-25-2020-kjohnson-032315129
13. BofA Reconciliation Summary130
14. BofA Reconciliation Detail131
15. BofA November 2020 Bank Statement133
16. Nov 2020 Forecast142 - 143
C.4. Approval of December 2020 Financial and Budget Report152
1. Profit & Loss153
2. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual155
3. FY Profit & Loss BudgetvsActual157
4. ACT Reconciliation Summary159
5. ACT Reconciliation Detail160
6. ACT Dec. 2020 Journal Activity163
7. ACT Redeemed Warrants Dec 2020164
8. ACT Receipt 12-03-2020-kjohnson-033396165
9. ACT Receipt 12-09-2020-kjohnson-034472166
10. ACT Receipt 12-14-2020-kjohnson-035024167
11. ACT Receipt 12-22-2020-eollerton-0363168
12. Receipt 12-14-2020-kjohnson-035108169
13. ACT FDAT 1st 2020 2021170
14. BofA Reconciliation Summary172
15. BofA Reconciliation Detail173
16. BofA December 2020 Bank Statement175
17. Dec 2020 Forecast182 - 183
C.5 Approval of January 2021 Financial and Budget Report192
1. Jan 2021 Profit & Loss193
2. Jan 2021 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual195
3. FY 21 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual197
4. ACT Jan 2021 Reconciliation Detail199
5. ACT Jan 2021 Reconciliation Summary202
6. ACT Jan 2021 Journal Activity203
7. ACT Redeemed Warrants from Jan 2021204
8. ACT Receipt 01-06-2021205
9. ACT Receipt 01-20-2021206
10. Receipt 01-20-2021b207
11. BofA Jan 2021 Reconciliation Summary208
12. BofA Jan 2021 Reconciliation Detail209
13. BofA Jan 2021 Bank Statement211
14. Jan 2021 Forecast218 - 219
7. New Business228
A. Review disscuss and possible action to approve supporting the Arizona Legislature Senate BIll: SB1603 in FY 2022 to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) to disburse to political subdivisions that paid property tax refunds ordered in the Transwestern Pipeline Co. v. Arizona Department of Revenues litigation.229
1. GFD Supporting Resolution230
2 Senator S.B.1603232
3. S.B. 1603 Sentor's Fact Sheet234
4. S.B. 1603 Email to Senator Peshlakai234
5. Bill History for S.B. 1603236
8. Information Only237
S.B. 1387 Courses: Newly Elected or Re-elected Board Members & Fire Chief Statutory Training238
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting241
March 2021 Calendar242 - 243
April 2021 Calendar244 - 245
10. Future Agenda Items246
11. Benediction by Invitation247
12. Adjournment248

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