Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 19, 2020
Fire Chief Monthly Report – January 2019
B. INCIDENTS (Non-Urgent and Urgent): 1. Exhibit B shows each month and End of the Year Statistics of Incidents for Ganado Fire, NN Law Enforcement, and Community Training:
a.Ganado Fire District (GFD) Incidents 1. 117 for the month of January 2020 2. 117 for the End of the Year 2020
b.Navajo Nation Law Enforcement (NNLE) Incidents 1. 45 Call Taker for the month of December 2020 2. 45 for the End of the Year 2020 c. Community Training 1. 21 Community Member were certified for two (2) years in Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training 2. 7 Community Member were certified for two years in Fire Safety and Extinguishing Training 2. Exhibit C shows the summary of the different types of Incident for each month and End of the Year. C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. COMMUNITY
a.January 6, 2020 [9am-4pm]: ASHI Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training monthly schedule training held at the Ganado Fire Station (Station One) Training Room. b.January 13, 2020 [9am-1pm]: GFD monthly scheduled Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for the community was held at Ganado Fire Station (Station One) Training Room. c. January 14, 2020 [9am-4pm]: The Ganado Fire District conducted an ASHI CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training for Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife in Ganado, Arizona Station One. d.January 15, 2020 [6pm-8pm]: Regular Ganado Fire Governing Board Meeting at Station One Training Room. e.January 17-18, 2020: The following GFD Governing Board Member and Personnel attended the AFDA 2020 Winter Conference at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada: 1. Marcarlo Roanhrose, Administrator Assistant
2. Steven Kee, Board Member 3. Althea James, Board Member 4. LaVerne Joe, Board Member 5. Margaret Etcitty, Board Member 6. Larry Noble, Board Member
f. January 21, 2020 [10am-12pm]: BIA Fire Management Meeting in Ft. Defiance, Arizona. The meeting was on the upcoming year projects for BIA Fire Services. Lt. Leonard attended the meeting and gave me a report on the meeting.
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