Regular Fire Board Meeting - February 19, 2020
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes December 2019
Margaret Etcitty. A Highlighted Verbal report was given. Voice Motion was carried for approval with 3 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. • Ms. Althea James arrives at 6:14 PM MST.
A. Review and discuss next Regular Board Meeting.
i. February 19, 2020 at Ganado Fire Station 1 at 6:00 PM MST.
9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Mass Casualty – Recommended by Chief Woodie through Ms. Althea James.
10. BENEDICTION BY INVITATION: Given by Ms. LaVerne Joe.
11. ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Althea James motioned for adjournment at 6:19 P.M. M.S.T and second by Mrs. Margaret Etcitty. Motion was carried for approval with 4 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. Regular Fire Board meeting is adjourned at 6:19 P.M. M.S.T by Fire Board Chair Steven Kee.
__________________________________ Mr. Steven Kee, Fire Board Chairman
Ms. Althea James, Fire Board Clerk
__________________________________ Mrs. Margaret Etcitty, Fire Board Member
___________________________________ Ms. LaVerne Joe, Fire Board Member
__________________________________ Mr. Larry Noble, Fire Board Member
Page 2 of 2 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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