Regular Fire Board Meeting - August 26, 2020
GFD Special Board Meeting Minutes August 2020
P.O. Box 718
(928) 755-3424 FAX (928) 755-6330
NOTICE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING HELD AT GANADO FIRE STATION 1 ON AUGUST 1, 2020 (Meeting was held via. Teleconference, due to Navajo Nation Public Health Emergency Order No. 2020-007)
1. CALL TO ORDER: Special meeting was called to order at 12:07 P.M. M.D.T. by Fire Board Chairman Steven Kee.
2. ROLL CALL: called by Administrative Assistant Marcarlo Roanhorse. Mr. Roanhorse affirmed a quorum was present via teleconference.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Steven Kee, Fire Board Chairman (Present by teleconference) Ms. Althea James, Fire Board Clerk (Present by teleconference) Mr. Larry Noble, Fire Board Member (Present by teleconference)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. LaVerne Joe, Fire Board Member Mrs. Margaret Etcitty, Fire Board Member
3. PLEDGE OF ALIEGIENCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE: Moment of Silence called for the victims of COVID-19, the families of the victims, and the first responders during this pandemic. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Chief Woodie
4. APPROVA OF AGENDA: Larry Noble motioned to approve agenda and was second by Althea James. Voice motion carried with 3 in favor 0 opposing 0 Abstain.
a. Review/discuss possible action to approve GFD Resolution requesting the 24 th Navajo Nation Council, Navajo Nation Office of the Speaking, and Navajo Nation Office of the President an Vice-President to appropriate $3,004,980 for the purpose of combating the Pandemic COVID-19 Coronavirus. Larry Noble motioned to approve and was second by Althea James. Voice motion carried with 3 in favor 0 opposing 0 Abstain.
a. Next Regular Board Meeting:
i. August 26, 2020 at Ganado Fire Station One at 6:00 PM MDT.
7. BENEDICTION BY INVITATION: Given by Dewayne Woodie.
Page 1 of 2 Respectfully submitted by Ms. Chantel Cook, Administrative Assistant I and concurred by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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