Regular Board Meeting - June 27, 2017
Fire Chief Monthly Report – May 2017
2. The following applicants have completed their recruitment and have been promoted from Recruit to Volunteer Firefighter Trainee (FFT) or Explorer:
a. Byron James from Wide Ruins/Klagetoh, AZ to Explorer b. Delbert Kinlichee from Ganado, AZ to Volunteer FFT c. Delvecchio Wilson from Ganado, AZ to Volunteer FFT d. Mimi Begay from Ganado, AZ to Volunteer FFT
B. INCIDENTS (Non-Urgent and Urgent):
1. Fire/EMS incidents - 131 incidents (Exhibit B)
a. A breakdown of Monthly Incidents is on Exhibit C 2. Navajo Nation Law Enforcement incidents – 102 incidents (Exhibit B) C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. FIRE DISTRICT a.May 19, 2017 [11am-1pm]: The I’ina Dilzin Committee had
its Public Safety Appreciation Luncheon at the Ganado Chapter House. The following Ganado Fire District Personnel received awards: 1. Chief Woodie for 27 years of Public Service 2. Shirlene Attson for 30 years for Public Service 3. Alfred John for 24 years of Public Service b.May 30, 2017 [6pm-8pm]: The Ganado Fire Board had it Regular Governing Board Meeting at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. a.May 1, 2017 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. b.May 8, 2017 [9pm-1pm]: Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. c.May 10, 2017 [9am-2pm]: The GFD participated in the Ganado High School “Career Day” at the Sports Pavilion. d.May 17, 2017 [9am-4pm]: Lt. Peshlakai conducted a AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for Window Rock Unified School District Personnel. e.May 22, 2017 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room.
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