Regular Board Meeting - January 25, 2017
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes November 2016
NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to discuss and review item 7.a. (possible action to appoint vacant GFD Governing Fire Board position) and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee. o Ms. Lela Sangster opened the discussion that there is one vacant Fire Board position open with two years left on its term. There are currently three seats ending this term (Lela Sangster, Jeremy Curtis, and LaVerne Joe). This one vacant Fire Board term will be ending in December 2018. Ms. Lela Sangster opened the floor for vacant Fire Board appointment nominees. o Mr. Jeremy Curtis asked if one of the three ending term members could be appointed. If so, the other two can run for the four year term with the other candidates in a special election, correct? Meaning we will have five members on the board in May (2017)? o Fire Chief Woodie explained that the Fire Board could appoint any of the ending term Board Members or whoever the board chooses. o Mr. Joey Apachee asked the Board who would like to run again and who would like this appointed term? Mr. Apachee stated that as long as the board is following proper protocols and is following state statutes, he was fine with appointing someone from the board (with an ending term) back into this vacant position. o Chief Woodie responded that Mr. Roanhorse has checked with our Auditors James Saunders) to see if it was okay and within compliance of the ARS Statues. James Sunders and company are always a reliable resource to the district and keep themselves up to date with the ARS Statutes. o Ms. Lela Sangster made a nomination to nominate herself for the vacant two year term (ending December 2018) and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee. No other nominations were made. Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to close nominations for the vacant GFD Governing Fire Board position and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee. Ms. Lela Sangster called for a vote. Voice Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – Abstain; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – Abstain; Mr. Joey Apachee – I. Motion was not carried with 2 in favor 0 opposing and 2 Abstain. Ms. Lela Sangster called for a revote. Voice Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – I; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – I; Ms. LaVerne Joe – Abstain; Mr. Joey Apachee – I. Motion was carried for an approval of 3 in favor 0 opposing and 1 Abstain. OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to review and discussion approved attendees to attend the AFDA 2017 Winter Conference in Laughlin, NV (January 12-14, 2017) and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee. o Fire Chief Dewayne Woodie presented the attached document with the breakdown of cost amount for each person attending the 2017 Winter AFDA Conference and the travel itinerary. Fire Chief Woodie informed the board that Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse and Mr. Lennix Peshlakai would be attending the conference, but will be sharing the room and using the district credit cards to lower the expenditure cost. o Ms. Lela Sangster asked when the last day to drop the registration is and to get a full refund and the same with the rooms. Ms. Sangster questioned why Fire Chief Woodie was the only one in compliance with the ARS Statues, when everyone but
Page 2 of 3 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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