Regular Board Meeting - December 27, 2017

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Fire Chief of Ganado Fire District is, and is acting alone is, hereby authorized and directed to take such further action as may be necessary, appropriate to advisable to implement this resolution and amendment and any such prior actions are hereby ratified; and We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Board of Directors of Ganado Fire District is comprised of four members, of whom _____, constituting a quorum were present at a meeting duly and regularly called, noticed, convened and held this 27 th day of DECEMBER, 2017, and that foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of _____ members, and opposed by _____ members, and that said Resolution has been duly recorded in the Minutes and is in full force and effect.

_______________________________ PENDING, Board Chairperson

_______________________________ PENDING, Board Clerk

_______________________________ Dewayne Woodie, Fire Chief

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