Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2017
Fire Chief Monthly Report – March 2017
B. INCIDENTS (Non-Urgent and Urgent):
1. Fire/EMS incidents - 124 incidents (Exhibit B) a. A breakdown of Monthly Incidents is on Exhibit C 2. Navajo Nation Law Enforcement incidents – 77 incidents (Exhibit B)
a.March 8, 2017 [9am-1pm]: The following six personnel attended the T.I.M. (Traffic Incident Management) Responds Course in Holbrook, AZ: 1. Alfred John, Fire Engineer 2. Rory James, Firefighter I/II 3. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Firefighter I/EMT-Basic 4. Latasha Lee, Firefighter Trainee 5. Jon-Mykal Tsinajinnie, Firefighter Trainee 6. Chantel Cook, Firefighter Trainee b.March 22, 2017 [6pm-8pm]: The Ganado Fire Board had it Regular Governing Board Meeting at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. a.March 6, 2017 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. b.March 12, 2017 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Adult/Child/Infant CPR and First Aid Training for MedTrans Transport Company employees held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. c.March 13, 2017 [9pm-1pm]: Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for the community held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. d.March 23, 2017 [9am-4pm]: AHSI Basic Life Support (BLS) aka ProCPR Training for the Window Rock Unified School District Nurses Aid Students held at the Ganado Fire Station Training Room. e.March 31, 2017 [9am-1pm]: Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training for Navajo Area Agency on Aging (NAAA) Chinle District held at the Chinle Senior Citizen Center in Chinle, Arizona.
1. Ganado Fire Station - Lt. Peshlakai is the custodian for Station a.All apparatus are in-services. 2. Steamboat Fire Station - Lt. Jeremy Begay is the custodian for Station a.All apparatus are in-services. 3. Klagetoh Fire Station - Lt. Leonard is the custodian for Station a.All apparatus are in-services.
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