Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2017
Fund Financial Statements
A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resourc es that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The District, like other state and local governments, use fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance related legal requirements.
Net Position June 30, 2016
Balance Balance June 30, 2015 June 30, 2016 $ 858,555 $ 780,361
Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt
(144,616 ) (297,247 )
Total Net Position
$ 713,939
$ 483,114
Governmental Activities
Most of the revenues for the District were derived from assessed property taxes and Fire District Assistance Tax from the County.
The majority of our budgeted revenue is from property taxes. Our budget for Property Taxes was $552,430.00 and we received $552,481.02.
General Fund Budgetary Highlights
We had a negative year. Actual collected revenue was $678,830 compared to last year of $827,093. Our budget for revenue for this year $663,020 and last year it was $663,020. An actual expense for this year was $847,381 compared to last year of $1,205,418. The budget was $663,020 compared to last year of $663,020. Administration spent $107,466 with a budget of $51,000. Operations spent $60,777 with a budget of $5,000.00. Personnel spent $345,909 with a budget of $307,325. Capital Outlay spent $16,932 with a budget of $50,000. In order to continue to provide the best service possible, the District spends a portion of the budget on fixed asset acquisit ion and capital projects. For fiscal year ended 2016 the District purchased, had contributed, or constructed the following assets: DRAFT Capital Asset and Debt Administration Capital Assets
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