Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2017
Ganado Fire District
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016
The following discussion and analysis of the Ganado Fire District (the district’s) financial performance presents management’s overview of the District’s financial activities for the year ended June 30, 2016. Please read it in conjunction with the District’s basic financial statements which begin immediately following this analysis. This annual financial report consists of two parts, Management’s Discussion and Analysis (this section) and the Basic Financial Statements.
Nature of Operations
The Ganado Fire District provides Fire, Emergency Medical, Public Education, and other public services to homes, property and persons residing within the District boundaries, as well as services to locations and persons outside the District thru mutual aid agreements and contracts.
Call volume over the past four years:
2013 1,368
2014 1,427
2015 1,337
2016 1,684
2015-2016 District Accomplishments:
§ Hosted twelve community educational American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED training classes on the first Monday of each month at Ganado Fire Station 1. o Successfully Certified 409 people in American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED. § Hosted three community educational American Heart Association Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider training classes during the 2016 fiscal year at Ganado Fire Station 1. o Successfully Certified 10 people in American Heart Associat ion Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider. § Hosted twelve community educational Fire Safety and Extinguisher training classes on the second Monday of each month at Ganado Fire Station 1. o Successfully certified 239 people in Fire Safety and Extinguisher usage. § August 2015 - October 2015 - Ganado Fire District assisted Ganado Unified School District #20 with Fire and Medical standby at the fall sports events. § July 4, 2015 - The Ganado Fire District hosted our annual Fireworks Display at the Ralph Johnson Memorial Arena in Ganado, AZ. § July 18, 2015 – Ganado Fire District provided EMS services for the Begay Rodeo Event at the Ralph Johnson Memorial Arena in Ganado, AZ. § July 28-30, 2015 – Lieutenant Jeremy Begay and Communication Supervisor Shirlene Attson attended the Arizona EMT-Basic Refresher Course in Page, Arizona. § August 18, 2015 – Ganado Fire District personnel signed up for free $5,000.00 life insurance with Colonial Life Insurance. DRAFT
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